Articles Book Review by Pam Pomo: When Meme Came to Live at My House by Mary Janine Langdon 
Pam's famous! Baby Boomers, Taking Charge of Parents' Care,
        by Michele M. Melendez
Thoughtful Visitors by Ann Landers
Contrasts by Daniel.  A gift of words and thought.
If I Had My Life To Live Over by Erma Bombeck
Poetry Crossing Over by Pam Pomo
To My Children by Virginia Bass  "When I spill some food ..."
When I am an Old Woman by Jenny Joseph
An Old Lady's Poem by Anonymous  "What do you see ..."
I'm Free by Unknown  "Don't grieve for me ..."
The Color of Hope by Karen Schirmer  "Hope is a sunrise ..."
More Whipped Cream by Virginia Ellis  "I have a new delightful friend ..."
My Father's Now by Karen Schirmer  "I'll live my life here in this Now ..."
This&That Acronyms  A Living Language
Caregivers' Bill of Rights  Print this one out. Put it where you'll see it a lot.
The Charter  an Historical Document
Guestbook  Say "HEY!"


Revised: 12 Feb 2003 or thereabout.